shedding new light on stories of old

The Book of Tales: Stories That Confirm the 5,500-year Prophecy Given to Adam About the Coming of Christ

Read the narratives that show when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time

A Tapestry of the Ages

Of the Most Pivotal Promise

The Book of Tales tells the story of the most pivotal promise God ever gave to Adam and Eve, to their children, to their descendants, to us.

Known as the prophecy of the Great Five and a Half Days, this promise reveals how when Christ was to come to Earth in the flesh, His arrival would not come as a surprise; it would, in fact, occur at a precise moment in history.

But unlike typical biblical treatises, in verifying such things, this work does more than present its arguments by way of intellectual persuasion. Instead, it weaves a tapestry of the ages that contains within its very fabric the knowledge of how Jesus of Nazareth came into this world at just the right time.

And in witnessing the fulfillment of this primordial promise to Adam, we rediscover a long-lost truth regarding the Lord’s plan to send humanity a Savior, when in our darkest hour, God provided the most clear-cut proof of His control and faithfulness the world would ever know.

The Paperback and eBook — Available Now

(As Seen on Amazon Books)

Unlike typical treatises on the subject of biblical chronology, The Book of Tales does not just present an intellectual argument but instead weaves a tapestry of the ages. Presented as a trilogy of narratives, we discover how the coming of Christ precisely fulfilled an ancient promise of God known as the prophecy of The Great Five and a Half Days. In this way, we see this prophecy is not only important because of how it relates to the 5,500-year genealogy from Adam to Christ, found in The Septuagint Bible, but also how it reveals that God not only makes a promise to humanity, but He keeps that promise right on time.

From the Front Cover

Read the narratives that show when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

A Preview

In 1768, an ancient manuscript known as The First Book of Enoch was located in the mountains of Ethiopia. At the same time, Britain and America and, in effect, most of Europe were hopelessly embroiled in what was actually the first world war of ideas. Then, just when it seemed that our troubled world needed them most, more and more of these literary treasures from antiquity began to be rediscovered.

Ironically, though, after managing to recover these impossible wonders from the depths of oblivion, no one bothered to translate them. Rather than being seen as potential gems of spiritual wisdom, these priceless documents were relegated to the status of rare artifacts. So, for more than half a century, they sat unopened and unread on various museum shelves, simply gathering dust. But once the arduous task of decipherment had been completed, manuscripts like First Enoch began providing the West with a vivid, haunting glimpse into humanity’s spiritual origins and destiny. Almost overnight, an entirely new way of understanding ourselves had been unveiled, as old as time itself.

Still, as much as these manuscripts have managed to illuminate the human condition, they have also sparked an inordinate amount of derision and controversy. Having survived for twenty centuries or more, these priceless documents depict events that reach far beyond normally accepted limits of prehistoric time. Most notable among these&mdashbesides First Enoch&mdashare The First Book of Adam and Eve, The Secrets of Enoch, The Book of Jasher, The Letters of Herod and Pilate, and The Gospel of Nicodemus. Sadly, however, they have all generally been ignored, dismissed, or suppressed, presumably because of their provocative rendering of historical events and persons.

A typical example of this is First Enoch, which had been read and respected by Jews and Christians alike, and which had stood side by side with The Book of Revelation during the first four centuries of the Christian Era. While many of the Church Fathers, such as Clement, Ambrose, and Tertullian, endorsed it, others did not hold to this favorable view, and because of the efforts of influential opponents of the book, like Augustine and Jerome, who were critical of Enoch’s description of those peculiar angels, or Watchers as they were called, the book was eventually deemed heretical. Along with other Enochic writings, it was banned from the mainstream of Scripture. Shredded and burned, the book was lost to the West for over a thousand years. Yet with remarkable persistence, many of these ancient gems have, slowly but surely, made their way back into circulation. Today, thanks to the efforts of a handful of men who were uniquely capable of seeing beyond the veil of skepticism and doubt, nearly everyone has heard something about these remarkable books.

Still, this never seems to answer the inevitable question: What relevance could a bunch of ancient manuscripts provide for an increasingly cynical world? The standard answer has always been that these books were designed so that a chosen few could understand them, but as to how this special remnant is supposed to assist in ushering in this awareness of God’s truth, the canonical record does not reveal; which brings us back to the subject of extra-biblical texts. With the unexpected occurrence of the Qumran findings of The Dead Sea Scrolls, the notion of recovering “hidden” wisdom literature has become more and more widespread. Consequently, it no longer seems so far-fetched that there might be other sources of biblical truth not found amongst the traditional sixty-six books of The Bible. What is more, these sources of truth are able to provide critical missing pieces to the biblical record. In this way, these remarkable texts are helping to answer questions that have puzzled scholars for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

This is why, even before a place like Qumran could ever have been imagined, when mere rumors of a surviving Enochic text began to surface, the Scottish explorer James Bruce was eager to get his hands on a copy, no matter the cost to him personally. So in 1773, Bruce endured an extremely hazardous journey to Ethiopia, where he was able to secure three copies of the rare book. Then in 1821, Dr. Richard Laurence, regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford, translated the work into English, providing the West with its first glimpse into Enoch’s “forbidden mysteries.” No longer would we remain a victim of centuries of suppression. No longer could the traditions of men keep us in ignorance concerning the role of spiritual pioneers like Enoch, the scribe.

As a result, we can study these so-called “apocryphal” texts for ourselves. Now we are free to digest the contents of these remarkable books on our own. We can meditate on their mystical sayings and relive the fantastic journey of Enoch, as easily as any described by the likes of Jules Verne or H.G. Wells. We can now witness firsthand how God is still using Enoch as a type of Christ, even after his supposed “death,” from his being taken up to Heaven, where he served as a divine mediator, right up to his reappearance as one of the Two Witnesses described in The Book of Revelation.

Thanks to the courage and dedication of men like Bruce and Laurence, who succeeded in restoring these ancient texts to our Western world, almost everyone who has ever studied biblical history has come to learn about Enoch and the strange angelic beings called the Watchers. Their fabled story provides the building blocks for countless mythological motifs, particularly concerning their respective roles in the construction of The Great Pyramid of Giza. Since time immemorial, one civilization after another has told and retold its own version of a miraculously exalted hero, poised to usher in an age of enlightenment for the faithful. But what does tradition have to say about the rest of Enoch’s life? Unfortunately, except for the brief passages in Scripture, tradition has very little to say. What really happened to Enoch during his ascension to Heaven? Did God simply spirit him away without leaving humanity a single word of explanation afterward? And why does there seem to be so little written about Enoch’s role in the creation of The Bible?

Furthermore, how did Enoch react when an angel told him he was being recruited as a conveyor of the mysteries of God? What was the reaction of Enoch’s family after he told them the news? What did his family do with the books he wrote? And could the accounts produced so long ago by Enoch and others like him finally be starting to prove their relevance, not simply to a few appointed people but to an entire world, ready and waiting for their lost message?

Story Continues Below

To watch author and historian W. Kent Smith discuss the contents of his book On Earth as It is On Heaven, at the Sacred Word Revealed Conference ’23, hosted by Zen Garcia, CLICK BELOW.

Story Continues From Above

An Exclusive Offer of The Book of Tales

Available only on this Website

Lodestar Cinema Creations and W. Kent Smith are proud to present the release of the much-anticipated book entitled The Book of Tales: Stories That Confirm the 5,500-year Prophecy Given to Adam About the Coming of Christ. Although the book is available worldwide on Amazon Books, we are also offering them through our website here at The Lost Stories Channel so we can pass along a savings off the suggested retail price.

The Book of Tales is available as a Paperback on Amazon Books for $29.99, but here on The Lost Stories Channel, you can get a brand-new copy of it for just $26.99, in the drop-down list below. An eBook companion is so available on Amazon for $9.99, or through this website for just $6.99, in the drop-down list below.

Thanks for your interest, and enjoy the journey! And if you like what you read, please tell others about the book by posting a positive review on Amazon Books.

More Previews of The Book of Tales

To Read Further, Go To:

A CASE FOR THE TALES—to read a work that sheds light on long-lost truths that the majority of modern Christians know nothing about.

ROLL CALL OF THE INTREPID—to see that this work was only possible because of the visionary efforts of a great cloud of discoverers, translators, and scholars.

ARGUMENTS FOR AUTHENTICITY—to learn that many of the apocryphal accounts exist in perfect harmony with the canonical record.

A MATTER OF STYLE—to ask, if Jesus never spoke in iambic pentameter, then why do Bible translators depict Him as doing so?

THE CURTAIN RISES—to learn how literary treasures from antiquity provide the West with a glimpse into humanity’s spiritual origins and destiny.

THE MAN FROM FOREVER—to see how the story of Enoch as a type of Christ provides the building blocks for countless mythological motifs.

DAWN OF TIME—to learn of a story that reveals how God nurtured Adam and Eve during every phase of their lives.

FIRE AND BLADE—to learn of a story of the man whom God told to sacrifice his son and how Satan reacted to his attempt.

TRIAL BY FURY—to learn of a story of Pontius Pilate that reveals why he acted the way he did during his encounters with Jesus.

A HERO FOR THE AGES—to learn that even in our fallen state, our brains are hardwired to interpret the frequency of the Divine.

To read a preview from the paperback version of The Book of Tales, CLICK HERE.
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The Book of Days - Front Cover

Product details for The Book of Tales, the Paperback Edition:

  • Paperback: 492 pages
  • Publisher: Staten House / Lodestar Cinema Creations (July 4, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0D8W3S3LL
  • ISBN-13: 979-8893795134
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.11 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.81 pounds

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The Book of Days, the eBook Edition - Front Cover

Product details for The Book of Tales, the eBook Edition:

  • File Size: 2477 KB
  • Publisher: Staten House / Lodestar Cinema Creations (July 6, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0D9153YKN
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Word Wise: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

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