shedding new light on stories of old

The Lodestar Cinema Creations Story

Kent imagined the possibility of creating independent productions based on his own script ideas

Lodestar Cinema Creations

created in May of 1991

was established as a flagship company for developing the script ideas of its founder, W. Kent Smith, an author, screenwriter, and website creator, with more than two decades of video production experience.

With a background in writing and photography, Kent began his experience with video production in 1981. After the purchase of a professional video editing system, he made a couple of short videos, which eventually landed him a job as a T.V. transmitter operator and cameraman, where, for the next three and a half years, he learned the finer points of television production and camera work.

During this period, Kent began to realize the impact video production would have on the future of movie making. Since 1979 his script ideas had continued to develop, and though he’d sold his first screenplay by this time, there still had been no major outlet for them as yet. Now he decided to combine his skills to produce programs for others in order to create a track-record as a possible stepping-stone to independent movie production.

So before Lodestar was ever conceived, Kent joined in partnership with another video producer in Orange County. In June of 1989, they combined their equipment, skills, and resources, then spent the next two years creating many local productions, ranging from company commercials and cable TV spots to political promos and documentary programs. These have included such diverse companies as Nabisco, the American Film Institute, Aura Systems Inc., and Paragon Cable. It was a period where all of his writing, directing, editing and camera skills had a chance to begin to come together.

Still Kent imagined the possibility of creating independent productions based on his own script ideas that he had been developing since 1979. With this in mind, he purchased his first computer, went independent, and established Lodestar Cinema Creations in ‘91 as a platform for his own brand of quality video production, with its heavy emphasis on cinematic elements.

At the time, a transformation in video production was beginning to occur as a result of a new desktop computer technology. Anxious to harness this powerful new tool, Kent set out to learn, and then incorporate, the new technology into his post-production mix, thus providing greater creative control, reduced costs and ever-increasing production values. It was the incorporation of this desktop technology that has paved the way for Kent’s entry into the world of interactive telecommunications. In this way, and many others, Kent always strives to remain on the cutting edge of the multi-media production world.

During these years, W. Kent was always working, either writing, shooting, editing, producing, and/or directing a series of productions including The Underground Video (‘85), Ode to a Wrecking Ball Lost (‘88), Reel Blood (‘90), The Stanley Kramer Award Inauguration (‘91), Spy Games (‘94), A Local Adventure (‘95), The Spirit of the Pasadena Playhouse (’97), and Book of Days: The Story of Daniel the Prophet (‘98).

In November of 1996, the writing of Lost Stories for All Ages: Apocryphal Literature for the 21st Century was in full swing, and by November of ‘99, the trade paperback version rolled off the presses. Soon, the book was selling on such Internet sites as and Then, W. Kent went to work on his own website called The Lost Stories Channel, featuring a variety of subject matter intended to substantiate and augment the dramatic narratives depicted in Lost Stories for All Ages.

This paved the way for a Korean company, which discovered the book on our website, to purchasing publishing rights for Lost Stories. And, in August of 2002, the Korean paperback version was completed.

In June of ‘03, W. Kent completed his screenplay, depicting the occult aspects of the Nazi’s bid for world conquest, entitled Flight of the Fowler. June of 2004 saw the completion of the screenplay for W. Kent’s fantasy trilogy called A Strange World, featuring episodes entitled Snow Madness, Driven, and The Mirror Man. By August of that same year, the interactive digital versions of all three works—Lost Stories, Flight of the Fowler, and A Strange World—were made available on The Lost Stories Channel website.

Several years later, Kent decided it was time for another dimension of Lost Stories to be tapped and after more than a decade of further research and writing a second edition was completed in 2016. Now entitled Tales of Forever: The Unfolding Drama of God’s Hidden Hand in History the title is being offered as a Trade Paperback and an eBook, and is presently available through such retail outlets as Sacred Word Publishing, Amazon Books, and Barnes and Noble.

Subsequent to those titles, Kent followed up in 2018 with Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale): Fifty of the Greatest Misconceptions Ever Blamed on The Bible, also available on this website as well as Sacred Word Publishing, Amazon Books, and Barnes and Noble.

After that came Kent’s next title in 2021, On Earth as It is On Heaven: The Promise of America, Technology, and the New Earth, which is, as usual, available on Sacred Word Publishing, and Amazon Books.

In 2023, Kent released The Joy of Cynicism: How Your Worldview Shapes the World You Live In.

Then in 2024, Kent released two more titles, both of which are based on his earlier work, Tales of Forever. They are The Book of Days and The Book of Tales.

So ends THE LODESTAR CINEMA CREATIONS STORY. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

Read The Joy of Cynicism and the Death of Beauty to learn how to defend yourself against the most destructive force in God’s creation, yet one that can be conquered by even a child.

Read On Earth as It is On Heaven to learn the truth about God’s Kingdom manifesting on Earth and the role America is playing in this unfolding drama of the ages.

Read The Book of Days to examine the evidence that proves when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read The Book of Tales to read the narratives that show when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale) to arm yourself against the forces that turn God’s greatest gift to humanity—The Bible—into our worst nightmare.

Read Tales of Forever to embark upon a fantastic journey of discovery that will transform your understanding of God’s control and faithfulness.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume One to learn how by harmonizing a multiplicity of perspectives our results can then be trusted.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume Two to find out how the most important thing is to avoid overemphasizing one discipline at the expense of the rest.

Read A Strange World to discover tales that speak of an elusive truth, yet truth that genuinely and mysteriously pervades our Universe.

Read a Preview of Flight of the Fowler to learn of a tale so intriguing and entertaining you will forget you are reliving a lost chapter of history.

Read a Preview of Made in Heaven to see how Cecile B. DeMille needed just two pages from The Bible, and he’d give us a motion picture.