shedding new light on stories of old

The Lost Stories Channel Genesis

I sought to bring these dramatic tales to others by putting flesh and blood on our biblical past

The Origins

The genesis of The Lost Stories Channel began nearly forty years ago, when I decided to follow up on the inspired idea to write a movie about the Two Witnesses spoken of in the 11th chapter of The Book of Revelation. I was nineteen years old then, in 1979, and after three and a half years studying Christianity, I had already read extensively the likes of William Barclay, Werner Keller, and C.S. Lewis.

As a sophomore in high school, I had begun work on a timeline of biblical history, which was intended to help provide a framework for a more complete understanding of God’s dealing with mankind. This started me in a lifelong study of the history of the nations of Israel and Judah, as well as any nation which was to come in contact with either Israel or Judah. But, after three years, I had already reached the limits of the “known” historiography of every nation mentioned in both the Old and New Testament.

According to most traditions, many of these nations seemed to spring from out of nowhere, only to disappear some time afterward, again into some sort of mysterious black hole of non-history. In short, you couldn’t tell where these supposedly important nations had come from, and you knew even less about where they had vanished.

It was around this time in my life that I began listening, via the power of the airwaves, to the teachings of Dr. Gene Scott. And so, by 1980, the quest to uncover the mystery of the origin, purpose, and destiny of biblical Israel would begin an entirely new chapter.

Story Continues Below
To watch author and historian W. Kent Smith discuss the contents of his book On Earth as It is On Heaven, at the Sacred Word Revealed Conference ’23, hosted by Zen Garcia, CLICK BELOW.

Story Continues From Above

As a student of biblical history seeking to map out a thorough timeline of God's revelation, I was particularly grateful to hear the teaching on God's message of redemption written in The Zodiac. Along with the messages encrypted within The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx, these ancient messengers provided a necessary link, in my mind, in terms of a true historiography of an eternal God's continuing message to mankind.

So the Gospel in the Stars, as conveyed through Enoch prior to the Flood, established a clear beginning of God’s revelation.

Then, with the advent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, what had been only hinted at in the lives of men like Noah began to manifest in new and quite unexpected ways. Now, the message of God would begin to unfold through human vessels.

Over the next two decades, Dr. Scott would catalog the many ways in which the very lives of God’s chosen people conveyed the story of God’s redemption in the form of a marvelous, living tapestry.

Then, some time during the mid-80s, I was introduced to what is called apocryphal, or pseudepigraphical, literature. This remarkable chapter of biblical history included such texts as The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve, The First Book of Enoch, The Secrets of Enoch, The Book of Jasher, and The Gospel of Nicodemus.

The startling accounts contained within the pages of these breathtaking books would forever capture my imagination. For the next several years, I sought a way to bring these dramatic tales to others who were also interested in putting more “flesh and blood” on our biblical past.

The result of this research was eventually to come to fruition with the writing and publication, in 1999, of a book entitled Lost Stories for All Ages where I took several of the scattered and neglected stories in the pantheon of pseudepigraphical literature and meticulously wove them into a trilogy of narratives, all written in modern-day English.

After several more years of research and work on Lost Stories, Kent has completed a second edition version, a book that contains the stories just discussed here but in a greatly expanded form, as well as an extensive presentation of the historical and theological background to the stories themselves. This brand-new book, presented under the new title of Tales of Forever: The Unfolding Drama of God’s Hidden Hand in History, is available on this website, in both paperback and eBook formats. It is available as a complete book, which contains the whole story, or in smaller versions that break down the larger book into four seperate books.

So ends the LOST STORIES CHANNEL GENESIS. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

Read The Joy of Cynicism and the Death of Beauty to learn how to defend yourself against the most destructive force in God’s creation, yet one that can be conquered by even a child.

Read On Earth as It is On Heaven to learn the truth about God’s Kingdom manifesting on Earth and the role America is playing in this unfolding drama of the ages.

Read The Book of Days to examine the evidence that proves when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read The Book of Tales to read the narratives that show when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale) to arm yourself against the forces that turn God’s greatest gift to humanity—The Bible—into our worst nightmare.

Read Tales of Forever to embark upon a fantastic journey of discovery that will transform your understanding of God’s control and faithfulness.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume One to learn how by harmonizing a multiplicity of perspectives our results can then be trusted.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume Two to find out how the most important thing is to avoid overemphasizing one discipline at the expense of the rest.

Read A Strange World to discover tales that speak of an elusive truth, yet truth that genuinely and mysteriously pervades our Universe.

Read a Preview of Flight of the Fowler to learn of a tale so intriguing and entertaining you will forget you are reliving a lost chapter of history.

Read a Preview of Made in Heaven to see how Cecile B. DeMille needed just two pages from The Bible, and he’d give us a motion picture.

Selected Glossary

Apocryphal: secret or hidden, as in crypt or cryptic.

History: a narrative devoted to the interdependence of unfolding events, which includes a philosophic explanation for the cause of such events.