Misconception #49 (Cont’d)
All the Curses Inflicted by God are Perpetual in Nature
What does The Bible have to say about the curses that God has pronounced upon His creatures? Is there really nothing more than perpetual doom for every recipient of His wrath? Let’s take time, then, to search out what else the Scriptures say about this very perplexing subject.
Actually, the verse in Genesis immediately preceding the curse of Eve supplies us with the antidote that we’re seeking. In it, The Bible records the curse that God uttered against the serpent who was, after all, the true instigator in this whole tragic affair.
And the Lord said to the serpent, “Because you’ve done this thing, you’ll be cursed beyond all animals, and as a result, you’ll crawl around on your belly, eating dust your entire life. And I’ll create hostility between you and the woman, between your children and her children; and it’ll crush your head, and you’ll bruise his heel.”1
According to most theologians, this verse actually contains the primordial kernel of every biblical prophecy that will ever unfold up to the end of time. And considering its ambiguous nature, it’s very important that we take some time to break down its meaning.
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To hear Kent and Zen Garcia talk about correcting biblical misconceptions, from September 9th, 2021, CLICK BELOW.
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All biblical scholars believe that, even though God seems to be cursing the serpent who deceived Adam and Eve, He’s really talking to Satan. Addressing the creature that motivated the serpent in the first place, God tells the devil that He’ll create hostility between him and humanity, and because of this hostility, a war will ensue between the devil’s children and Eve’s children. But in the end, it’s going to be a child of Eve, which is to say, Christ Jesus, Who’ll destroy the power of Satan.
Understood in that context, the same verse in Genesis could read:
And the Lord said to the serpent: “Because you’ve done this thing (in conspiring to trick Eve), you’ll be cursed beyond all animals, and as a result you’ll crawl around on your belly, eating dust your entire life. And I’ll create hostility between you (speaking of Satan, who was really behind the actions of the serpent) and the (descendants of the) woman, between your children (of the devil) and her children (of humanity); and it’s this child (of Eve’s, which is to say, Christ) Who will crush your head (which speaks of Satan’s power), and you (the devil) will bruise His heel (that is to say, the human component of the Messiah).”
Tying all this together, we can therefore deduce that when Jesus was nailed to the tree of Golgotha, it was to fulfill this prophecy found in the first book of The Bible. In that:
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for our sakes, because it is written: “Anyone who hangs on a tree is cursed!”
In this way, the blessing of Abraham is able to come upon the Gentiles because of what Jesus Christ has done so that we might receive the promise of God’s Spirit through our faith.2
Once again, we can thank God for His written word when it comes to defending ourselves against those who’d hunt and peck us to death with their limited view of what The Bible supposedly says. In other words, without reconciling the paradox of God’s written record with humanity’s historical record, we might as well tell a woman living in today’s world that when she goes into labor, she should bravely cope with the pain without the aid of modern medicine. Tell her God wants her to suffer the pains of childbirth because it’s His perfect will for her to endure the pain, just as Eve was forced to endure the pain. Then tell her it’ll always be God’s desire for her to suffer the pain of childbirth, because He was the One Who instigated this curse in the first place. Pretty absurd, don’t you think?
Of course it is; which is to say, it is, according to an appropriate understanding of God’s word, in relationship to the Advent of Christ, which states:
Christ suffered for us, having left us an example so that we should follow in His footsteps…
When He suffered, He never threatened anyone in return, but He committed Himself to the One Who judges righteously and bore our sins in His own body on that tree so that we, being dead to our sins, should live for the sake of righteousness, by whose stripes we were healed.3
In light of these facts, then, why would anyone believe that all the curses of God are perpetual in nature?