shedding new light on stories of old

Lies My Professor Told Me About American Politics - Preview 4

As the Founders saw it, government based on purely democratic rule was a step away from “tyranny of the majority”

The Myth of Pure Democracy

The Real Story of American Governance

LIE #3: America was Founded on the Principle of Pure Democracies Like That of Ancient Greece

My professor looked at me thoughtfully across his desk and asked me with all earnestness, “So, have you decided what you’d like to write about for your extra credit essay this year?”

“I haven’t, Professor, no,” I replied respectfully. “I just can’t seem to make up my mind.”

“Don’t you think it’s about time that you do? Time is running out, you know.”

I nodded affirmatively, and said, “I realize that. But I’m afraid it can’t be helped.”

“Really,” the old man replied with an inquisitive tilt of his head. “What’s holding you up, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Well, for one thing, the list you provided us to choose from is … how do I say this?” I paused momentarily, not sure how my answer would be received.

The professor leaned forward in anticipation. “The list? What about the list? If anything, I’d have thought providing you with a list to chose from would have helped you narrow down the field. Did I miscalculate in that assumption?”

I shrugged, apologetically, not wanting to upset the man.

“Please, my friend,” he continued, “you don’t have to worry. I can see by your reaction that you feel I’ll be offended with your answer. Is that it?”

Again, I nodded, and said, “I do believe so, Professor, yes. And while I appreciate the spirit with which you offered your choices, in my opinion, I feel like you injected a hidden bias without meaning to do so.”

The old man’s eyebrows rose up like furry caterpillars startled by a predator. “A hidden bias? How did I do that?”

I opened my mouth for just a moment, about to respond, but then thought better of it, and closed it with a nervous sigh. But this only seemed to further agitate the caterpillars as they squirmed above his ever-widening eyes.

“Please, son, I won’t be offended. I promise. What is it about the list that seems to express a bias, as you call it?”

“Well, take the first subject you provided, the one about the founding principles on which America’s founders looked to in 1776.”

(…you’re reading Part 5 of a 16-part series. If you like what you’re reading and want to continue, please SCROLL DOWN. Or to read this series from the beginning, go to Part 1…)
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To hear Kent, Zen Garcia and S. Douglas Woodward, as they discuss the 5,500-year chronology from Adam to Christ, from the perspective of The Septuagint Bible, to confirm the contents of Tales of Forever, CLICK BELOW.
Story Continues From Above

“Okay, let’s do that,” the professor muttered, trying hard to suppress his growing anxiety. “What is it about it that speaks to you of a hidden bias?”

“Well, as you’ll recall, you asked the question, specifically, and I quote: In what way was America founded on the principles of those ancient democracies like the one in ancient Greece?”

The old man nodded eagerly, almost relieved at finally hearing what was on my mind, “Yes, of course, I do recall, I do recall. Thank Heaven that is all I asked,” he said with a nervous laugh that made me laugh, too. “You had me worried for a moment.”

“No worries, sir.” I replied, still unsure as to how to continue.

“But pardon me for saying, so, son,” the professor continued, “I still don’t think I fully understand your objection. How does my question reveal a hidden bias?”

“It does so, sir, in that I believe America’s founders never intended to formulate their new government based on the Grecian model but, rather, they sought to build it in terms of what would more properly be called a constitutional republic. Because as the Founders saw it, government based on purely democratic rule was just a step away from ‘tyranny of the majority.’”

With that, my professor calmly leaned back in his high-backed chair, and as he did, I was glad to see that the anxious caterpillars also melted away, transforming back into the quiet eyebrows of my professor. “I see,” he said. “Then it appears that I had you all wrong, after all.”

Tilting my head, I wondered what the old man meant by that. “Sir?”

“All wrong,” he repeated quietly. “All wrong. This whole time I thought you had no idea what you were going to write about for your extra credit essay.” Then he smiled. “But now I see you do know what you want to write about.”

I smiled, too, and said, “Yes, sir, I believe I do; if you think it proper.”

Then he nodded, and replied, “Indeed, I do think it proper. I look forward to reading it.”

“I’d better get to work, then,” I said, rising to my feet and turning to leave. “Good day, sir.”

“Good day, young man, good day.”

“Democracy is like when two wolves and one sheep vote on what they will eat for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Benjamin Franklin

So ends this Preview of LIES MY PROFESSOR TOLD ME ABOUT AMERICAN POLITICS. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

To continue with this series, read an Excerpt to learn that, unlike a democracy, a republic incorporates checks and balances to prevent the oppression of the individual.

Read the Next Preview to see that, the time to guard against corruption and tyranny is before they have gotten hold of us.

Read an Next Excerpt to discover how the Founding Fathers approached governance with a realist perspective, shaped by an awareness of humanity’s flaws.

Read the Previous Preview to discover that, looking at American history, the Founders never intended to remove The Bible and its teachings from our political life.

Read the Previous Excerpt to see that, when biblical principles are marginalized, the result is a society rife with moral decay, disillusionment, and cynicism.

To read this series from the beginning, go to the First Preview to see how the narratives we consume are often curated to evoke responses that may only benefit those in power.

To get a copy of Lies My Professor Told Me About American Politics, CLICK HERE.