shedding new light on stories of old

Lost in Time, Volume One

Within everyone’s daily experience is a “lost story” waiting to be told, a story “hidden in plain sight”

Debunking a Myth

Reconciling Twins—Science & Theology

One of the greatest tragedies of the 19th century was the moment when the theory of evolution suddenly enabled mankind to dissect the scientific way of thinking from that of the theological. And ever since that moment, a holy war—a war fought between two entrenched worldviews, each fully convinced in its own version of reality—has been fought by each succeeding generation. Yet, as with most wars, the result has been a catastrophic loss to both sides, though neither one is yet willing to admit it.

Because for all their apparently irreconcilable differences, these two worldviews hold more in common than either would care to admit, a fact which is all but obscured as a result of the incessant posturing and unremitting antagonism. And because neither side seems ready, willing nor able to admit that both sides are, in fact, capable of complimenting the other in their mutual pursuit of truth, the war rages on, with little hope of rescuing the origins of honest inquiry. The result of which is a perpetual misunderstanding of science’s true origins in the history of thought, one which has been, for far too long, disconnected from its original spiritual dimension.

In contrast to this tendency, however, The Lost Stories Channel will continually work toward the rediscovery and retracing of all the various kinds of “lost truths” that are so clearly scattered amongst our common histories and heritages throughout the globe. Above all, we will be guided by the principles and laws of apologetics as well as to basic common sense. One of the simplest ways to provide an insight into the Lost Stories perspective is to go outside, day or night, and look up at the Sun or the Moon, depending on what time it is. Then, imagine the celestial mechanics involved in an eclipse. The Sun is much larger than the moon, yet from our point of view on Earth, the two discs are relatively the same size. But, wait.

(…you’re reading Part 2 of an 8-part series. If you like what you’re reading and want to continue, please SCROLL DOWN. Or to read this series from the beginning, go to Part 1…)
Story Continues Below
To hear Kent talk about the little-known biblical prophecy, which speaks of the 5,500-year chronology from Adam to Christ, with Zen Garcia, the host of the Internet talk show Secrets Revealed, CLICK BELOW.
Story Continues From Above

First, stop and think for a moment. Just contemplate how amazing it really is that these two immense objects, when they do cross paths, could actually appear to be the same size. At 865,000 miles in diameter, the Sun is more than ten times larger than our home planet and more than 93 million miles away from us. The Moon, in contrast, is only 2,160 miles wide and about 240,000 miles away.

The sheer improbability alone of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, all hurling through space, each on its own path, yet aligning so accurately, is staggering to conceive when you take the time to try. Then add to that the fact that these alignments are so consistent that calendars can be produced which predict the date of the next eclipse.

An eclipse, then, is a celestial event, which presents the most obvious physical proof of the existence of divine, providential forces.

You may think you are explaining things satisfactorily by pointing out the celestial mechanics involved in an eclipse. You can quantify the masses involved and qualify the data all you want. Try to boil it down to a formula; but all your theorizing will still fall short of the matter.

Something amazing, and beyond our comprehension, is keeping us from spinning off into oblivion, and just to remind us periodically along the way, there will be those ever-present celestial wake-up calls to remind us of our ultimate destiny in the Heavens, beyond our selves and beyond our merely Earthbound view of things.

So, already within everyone’s practical, daily experience, in this case, the Sun and the Moon, is actually a “lost story” just waiting to be told, a story which reveals truth that is “hidden in plain sight.” By simply stating the obvious, The Lost Stories Channel will provide an ever-present reminder of these “perpetual” facts which have been lost to our daily way of thinking. By pointing to such obvious facts, and bringing them to their logical conclusion, we’ll attempt, in an initial way, to begin categorizing the power of “the Obvious.”

By providing enough empirical evidence, The Lost Stories Channel will lay, brick by brick, a foundation for an understanding of many things that science deems unfathomable to human scrutiny (e.g., the proof of God’s existence, the laws of spiritual domains, etc.). Because of the limitations of human cognition, only a thorough, broad-based analysis of specific evidence, book by book, and category by category, could ever provide the necessary frame of reference.

That’s why nothing presented on The Lost Stories Channel should ever be seen or understood in isolation. This overview approach to the information will provide an ever-increasing awareness of God’s control over an apparently reckless stream of events. In this way, the presumed coincidences of Western history, and, in fact, world history, can no longer be seen as a series of mere coincidences.

By creating a website dedicated to codifying this type of knowledge, we have a brand-new way to approach an age-old problem. Spawned in an electronic information age, The Lost Stories Channel is a place where people can be involved in an ongoing digital dialog spanning the globe, a place where everyone everywhere can take an active part in assembling the clues we all have at our disposal, as we try to solve some of the greatest mysteries of the Universe.

More on the Significance of the Sun and the Moon

When God placed the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars in the vault of the Heavens, He said: “Let them be for SIGNS and for SEASONS.” (Genesis 1:14) The word “signs” is from a root word meaning “to come.” So, it is a sign of something or someone to come. The word “seasons” does not simply indicate what we think of as the four seasons of the year, but cycles of time. It means appointed time from the verb “to appoint.” The word occurs three more times in Genesis, each time in regard to the Child of Promise.

So what Genesis 1:14 is really saying is that God has created the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars “to reveal His signs (of things to come) and cycles (of appointed times).”

Here we have a clear declaration by God that contained in the wondrous movements of the Sun, Moon, and Stars is a revelation of His appointed times and signs of things to come.

The motions of the Sun and Moon are arranged so that at the end of a given interval of time they return into almost precisely the same position, with regard to each other and to the Earth, as they held at the beginning of that interval—almost precisely, but not exactly. There will be a slight outstanding difference, which will gradually increase in successive intervals.

So the daily difference between the movement of the Sun and Stars leads the Sun back very nearly to conjunction with the same Star as it was twelve months earlier, and gives us the cycle of the year. The slight difference in the Sun’s position relative to the Stars at the end of the year, finally leads the Sun back to the same Star at the same time of the year, viz., at the beginning of the Spring Equinox. This cycle of 25,800 years is what is known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.

A similar cycle occurs with regard to eclipses. Because the circumstances of any given eclipse are reproduced almost exactly 18 years and 11 days later, this period is called an Eclipse Cycle. Ancient astronomers called this cycle a Saros.

So ends this Article of THE LOST STORIES JOURNAL, Volume One. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

Read the Next Article to discover how archeology took shape, all thanks to the power of the imagination.

Read the First Article of The Journal, Volume One, to learn how by harmonizing a multiplicity of perspectives our results can then be trusted.

Read the First Article of The Journal, Volume Two, to find the most important thing is to avoid overemphasizing one discipline at the expense of the rest.

Selected Glossary

Apologetics: the branch of theology which defends the Christian doctrine on the basis of reason.

Codify: to reduce to a code or digest.

Cognition: the intellectual process by which knowledge is gained through perception.

Empirical: knowledge which is founded upon observation and practical experience.

Evidence: something that furnishes or tends to furnish proof; specifically, something legally submitted to a competent tribunal as a means of ascertaining the truth of any alleged matter of fact.

Evolution: a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse condition, to a higher, more complex, or better state.

Frame-of-reference: an interlocking group of facts or ideas (i.e., a systematic set of rules, laws, principles or presuppositions) which serve to orient, or give particular meaning; the characteristic influence that determines every person’s unique perspective.

History: a narrative devoted to the interdependence of unfolding events, which includes a philosophic explanation for the cause of such events.

Knowledge: the sum total of what is known about any given subject; the entire body of truth, fact, information, principles, or other objects of cognition acquired by mankind.

Logic: a science that deals the standards of valid thought, traditionally comprising the principles of definitions, classification, demonstration, and proper lines of reasoning; as opposed to rhetoric.

Perspective: a view or conception of the world, derived from past experience with the external world, which serves as a basis for further meaningful action.

Philosophy: the knowledge of the causes of all phenomena, both of mind and matter; reasoned science; practical wisdom.

Providence: the guidance and care which God provides to order matters of human destiny.

Science: the systematized knowledge of any one department of mind or matter; acknowledged truths and laws, especially as demonstrated by induction, experiment, and observation.

Technology: the science of the application of knowledge to practical purposes.

Theology: a rational interpretation of religious faith, practice, and experience; the sum of the beliefs held by a person or group regarding matters of ultimate reality.

Universe: a systematic whole, held to arise by, and persist through, the direct intervention of divine power; the totality of the observed, or postulated, physical whole.