shedding new light on stories of old

Lost Stories for All Ages, 2000

I like that this book reveals truth that is neither taught in history books, nor preached from the pulpit

The Book Reviews

Lost Stories … with Flesh and Blood.

Reviewer: An Elementary School Teacher (As seen on

“This book is an amazing, easy-to-read translation of ancient texts that inspire one to want more. Especially wonderful and thought provoking, the stories are related in three comprehensible books that tell the story from beginning to end. All three parts put flesh and blood on traditional stories.”

Lost Stories Come Alive!

Reviewer: Vern D., Photographer/Web Designer (As seen on

Lost Stories for All Ages, by W. Kent Smith, is an incredible book. Finally, someone has taken the dry, ancient texts of history and made them comprehensible and interesting to read. Thanks to Mr. Smith, the personalities of each story are once again rendered in flesh and blood and their dwellings of brick and mortar have substance.

“What I like most about the book is that he tells the complete story by drawing upon a multitude of secular and theological records. A prime example is Trial by Fury: The Condemnation of Pontius Pilate (my favorite of the three stories). Here Smith weaves together the letters of Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas, Tiberius Caesar, and The Gospel of Nicodemus (a.k.a. The Acts of Pontius Pilate) into a seamless, flowing narrative, which reveals a truth that is neither taught in history books, nor preached from the pulpit.

“Indeed, Smith proves he is not only a fine writer, but also an excellent academician. One needs only go to the library to view the source material to prove that. The result: an epic that is entertaining, informative, and, most importantly, accurate.”

Great Read!

Reviewer: Dean A., Teacher/Musician (As seen on

“If you’re interested in biblical history, you’ll love this book. W. Kent Smith brings well-known, and lesser-known characters, to life in an exciting story that keeps you on the edge. His historic narrative reminds me of James Michener. W. Kent Smith brings great detail and a human face to these stories we have all heard before. Highly recommended.”

Story Continues Below
To hear Kent talk about the little-known biblical prophecy, which speaks of the 5,500-year chronology from Adam to Christ, with Zen Garcia, the host of the Internet talk show Secrets Revealed, CLICK BELOW.
Story Continues From Above

It’s About Time!

Reviewer: David H., Municipal Purchasing Manager (As seen on

“This excellent book was written for people who, like me, have a difficult time reading the Elizabethan style of the King James Bible. Lost Stories for All Ages eliminates that awkward style by merging several different biblical stories into one complete story, and adapting it all into modern-day English. Bible translators, please take notice.

“Normally, I don’t find biblical stories interesting, because they tend to ramble and are usually difficult to follow. This book, however, was unlike any religious book I’ve ever read. I found it absorbing and very easy to understand. I’m already recommending it to all my family and friends.”

A Different Kind of History Book

Reviewer: Bear, Musician/Graphic Artist (As seen on

Lost Stories for All Ages is a most engaging book. It displays all the drama and action of any hit movie to come out of Dreamworks, Columbia, or any other Hollywood hit factory. I particularly enjoyed the last story, Trial by Fury. The book reads easily, yet it provides the reader enough challenges to not consider it trivial. The extensive footnotes and bibliography bear witness (if you pardon the pun) to this consideration. As any book of worth, it is highly entertaining. But, it also provides content of value. It provokes the reader to read other material to either support or disclaim the writings of the author. I find that a person would be hard pressed to find anything to disclaim the stories in this book. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a good story … and a good challenge.”


Someone from So. CA, says:

“Three stories are retold in W. Kent Smith’s Lost Stories for All Ages, each one in my opinion, better than the last: Dawn of Time — This simple story of Adam and Eve’s innumerable challenges after being banished from the Garden of Eden is one of profound hope and compassion. If you’ve ever wondered if Eve was the mother and grandmother of any offspring, this story answers that question and many others.

“Smith’s second story, Fire and Blade, chronicles Abram’s fascinating life. I saw God’s promises to Abram come to fruition and, just like a good novel, it ended and left me wanting more.

Trial by Fury — After Pontius Pilate sentences Jesus to death, Caesar won’t rest until he finds out whom the man called Jesus really was. This last spellbinding story will captivate you as it unfolds the stunning testimony surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection. This story, like the others, is extremely well written and researched, but has something inexplicably more. So far, I’ve read the book twice and enjoyed it both times”

“Lost Stories” FOUND!!

Reviewer: Bryan F., Technical Resource Manager (As seen on

“It’s been over 85 years since New Testament apocryphal literature concerning and surrounding Jesus has been so concisely presented (W.D. Mahan’s The Archko Volume, 1887 — being the former, although incomplete), and never in such a pleasing and intriguing form. And this one by Smith begins 4,000 years earlier!!

Fire and Blade takes you across valleys and plains you never knew existed. What a trip!! Hats off to this spectacular, synergistic work of art! I would recommend it to everyone to read.”

A Must-Read

Reviewer: Kris S., Project Manager (As seen on

Lost Stories for All Ages is a delightful book, in the grand tradition of C.S. Lewis! Not only do I see something new every time I read it, but in the classic Lewis style, I also see myself on every page!

“These lost stories are truly for readers of all ages, gripping you and pulling you back in time, then, once the stage is set, the curtain lifts to unfold the unique dramas of our biblical past. W.K.S. creates an intriguing and compelling page-turner by dropping clues, foreshadowing events, and weaving a golden thread throughout.

“I was often awake until 4 A.M. reading this book! It’s a fascinating, thought-provoking, sometimes humorous, sometimes sobering, portrayal of ourselves, all painted against the backdrop of biblical history. Lost Stories for All Ages is simply a must-read book!”

Fantastic Book Brings Ancient History Up to Date

Reviewer: Ted S., Engineer (Ret.) (As seen on

Lost Stories For All Ages is an astonishing modern trilogy updated from ancient manuscripts. My favorite is Dawn of Time. I’ve always thought that when God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden that was the end of His dealings with them. But in Dawn of Time, we see God continuing with them on a daily basis. He gives them advice, and promises He will bring them back to Paradise after a determined length of time. I would highly recommend that parents read this book to their children. Also I think this would become an excellent animated movie on the order of Prince of Egypt.”

Excellent Literature. Go, Kent!

Reviewer: Johnny W. (As seen on

“Excellent book. You actually felt as if you were there when Satan was tempting Adam and Eve, and when Abram was married to Sarai, later named Abraham and Sarah. Excellent book and I would recommend it to anyone.”

This Book is Full of Good News!

Reviewer: Marc T., Salesman

“I had some idea of the treasure that was handed me in this book, but after reading it, I’ve been blown away. Seeing from Adam and Eve’s perspective the first days out of the Garden of Eden gave me insight into my life and everyone else’s. They were so naive, ignorant, and gullible, just like us. They were noble, willing to work hard, and thoughtful, just like us. It’s funny that they were shown that suicide is not a way out. That the Lord’s day is incredibly long and that the Lord’s Creation was much more complex than they had ever conceived.

“The Lord based what He would suffer on their trials. From being made mortal in the first place, ejected from the Garden like warmth and tranquillity of his mother Mary’s womb. To confusion that all infants and toddlers face in their first few years. The same confusion, described in the book, that Adam and Eve suffered. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh being gifts from the Lord before they were gifts from man to the Lord was particularly intriguing. Adam and Eve’s decision not to return to the Garden after they had to eat and defecate, was also interesting.

“When Adam and Eve lived in the garden, per these writings, the angels trembled while in their presence. The empathy that the angels felt for the first humans was incredible as well and explains why they are so willing to cooperate and assist humans to this day. They remember our former stature, and see the power just below our surfaces. This point alone is extremely practical. Angels gladly act as our handmaidens, when our directives are within the will of the Lord, because they we are new different and as spectacular as they. Adam and Eve’s destiny, if they would have not made that transforming transgression, is still the human races destiny, just deferred.

“Just as our parents from the Garden were shown by the Lord how He would save them, we are shown by Him how to live in his World. That the rules are simple and few, actually only two. Love our Father more than anyone or thing, and treat others as we would have others treat us. Both easier said than done. But Jesus showed that by truly loving each other we are actually loving our Father. Jesus showed us that we do not have to look to the sky, or burn dead animals, or enter a stone temple to nourish our love for Him. We can find Him in our wives, husbands, children and neighbors. If we welcome Him in everyone we see than our love for Him easily outgrows anything else.

“I really appreciated the section on Pontius Pilate, it was the first time I have heard what he went through after the crucifixion and resurrection. I never considered that he would become Christian, or that Caesar actively sought Christ. This book is full of Good News that ended up on the cutting room floor. Whether these testimonies were edited, ignored or unknown, it is now important that these perspectives are made available to all that hold The Bible dear.”

After several more years of research and work on Lost Stories for All Ages, Kent has completed a second edition version that contains the stories just reviewed here but in a greatly expanded form, as well as a presentation of the historical and theological background to the stories themselves. This brand-new title, Tales of Forever: The Unfolding Drama of God’s Hidden Hand in History, is available on this website, in both paperback and eBook formats. It is available as a complete book, which contains the whole story, or in smaller versions that break down the larger book into four seperate books.

Then in 2018, Kent followed up with Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale): Fifty of the Greatest Misconceptions Ever Blamed on The Bible, also available on this website as well as Sacred Word Publishing, Amazon Books, and Barnes and Noble.

After that came Kent’s next title in 2021, On Earth as It is On Heaven: The Promise of America, Technology, and the New Earth, which is, as usual, available on Sacred Word Publishing, and Amazon Books.

In 2023, Kent released The Joy of Cynicism: How Your Worldview Shapes the World You Live In.

And in 2024, Kent released two more titles, both of which are based on his earlier work, Tales of Forever. They are The Book of Days and The Book of Tales.

So end the Book Reviews for Lost Stories for All Ages. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

Read The Joy of Cynicism and the Death of Beauty to learn how to defend yourself against the most destructive force in God’s creation, yet one that can be conquered by even a child.

Read On Earth as It is On Heaven to learn the truth about God’s Kingdom manifesting on Earth and the role America is playing in this unfolding drama of the ages.

Read The Book of Days to examine the evidence that proves when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read The Book of Tales to read the narratives that show when God makes a promise to humanity, He not only keeps it, but He keeps it right on time.

Read Fish Tales (From the Belly of the Whale) to arm yourself against the forces that turn God’s greatest gift to humanity—The Bible—into our worst nightmare.

Read Tales of Forever to embark upon a fantastic journey of discovery that will transform your understanding of God’s control and faithfulness.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume One to learn how by harmonizing a multiplicity of perspectives our results can then be trusted.

Read The Lost Stories Journal, Volume Two to find out how the most important thing is to avoid overemphasizing one discipline at the expense of the rest.

Read A Strange World to discover tales that speak of an elusive truth, yet truth that genuinely and mysteriously pervades our Universe.

Read a Preview of Flight of the Fowler to learn of a tale so intriguing and entertaining you will forget you are reliving a lost chapter of history.

Read a Preview of Made in Heaven to see how Cecile B. DeMille needed just two pages from The Bible, and he’d give us a motion picture.

Selected Glossary

Apocryphal: secret or hidden, as in crypt or cryptic.

History: a narrative devoted to the interdependence of unfolding events, which includes a philosophic explanation for the cause of such events.