shedding new light on stories of old

The Men Behind the Myths, Volume One

Divine Providence intervened so that I obtained what I could never have obtained by my own efforts

Twist of Fate

Aspiring Theologian Inspires New Era in Science

Throughout the history of Western civilization, men and women from every walk of life have played a tremendous role in forging the Arts, the Sciences, and the Humanities. Many of the greatest pioneers have spent their entire lives striving to bring their unique gifts and insights to the world around them.

Yet much of what we know about these pioneers has been often left out of their biographies and lists of accomplishments. Often historians have rewritten their life stories, editing them, if ever so slightly, to suit their own ideals and attitudes.

But, if one is willing to spend enough time, digging around, comparing a variety of sources about enough similar subjects, a pattern of events will inevitably begin to appear. Ironically, what emerges is the persistent reality that some unseen hand of providence seems to be guiding even the most scientifically-minded participants.

You should all know from your history books that in the 17th century Johannes Kepler made Nicolaus Copernicus’ revolutionary system of planets more plausible by reducing it to empirical laws, expressed mathematically. From this enunciation of the laws of expressed mathematically, the modern era of astronomy was born.1

Because of Kepler’s role in undermining the power of the medieval church, his breakthrough is generally regarded as having dethroned God and the validity of His Word.

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Story Continues Below
To hear Kent and Zen Garcia talk about correcting biblical misconceptions, from September 9th, 2021, CLICK BELOW.
Story Continues From Above

What you probably never figured, though, was just how shocked Kepler himself would have been. Because, until the age of 22, he had prepared for the ministry. Had his family not been so poor, he presumably would have never even gone into astronomy. His first love would always remain theology. “I wanted to become a theologian,” said Kepler in 1595.2

So, already convinced about theological matters, he set out to fulfill what he believed was his divine duty as a scientist—to display the harmony of nature that he knew must already exist.3

Shortly after that, he wrote: “Almost the whole summer was lost with this agonizing labor. Then, at last, on a rather ordinary occasion, I came very close to the truth. I believe Divine Providence intervened so that, by chance, I obtained what I could never have obtained by my own efforts. I am even convinced more than ever before, because I’m also praying constantly to God that I might succeed, if what Copernicus has said is actually true.”4

More on Johannes Kepler’s Source of Inspiration

In 1969, John Michell wrote, in The View Over Atlantis:

The aim of mystics is to invoke the fertilizing influences of the ore buried within the mind, for it was once generally recognized that all true sciences, art, and religions were of divine origin. Inspiration comes from Mercury, or Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Centers of the mercurial influence, like The Great Pyramid, were places of initiation into the mysteries, for within their labyrinths could be found the spirit whom God had sent to speak directly with men. In the presence of Hermes nothing was concealed except the person of God Himself. The mercurial inspiration is always active although we have now forgotten the procedures by which it can be summoned.

Everywhere, the myths of human enlightenment refer to the same source. Mercury, or the quicksilver serpent, introduced the civilized arts. In Egypt he was Thoth, who taught men to read and write. The Welsh Adam, Einigen, saw all the sciences, past and present, engraved on three columns of light.

In every generation, the original inspiration is renewed. Johannes Kepler received the key to the mechanics of the planetary system in a moment as he stood in front of a blackboard. From that time forward he learned nothing new, for all his work after his initial vision, never altered or added to his convictions. The experience of a vision, then, leads to a search for a means of expression.

However Mercury may strike, whether as an arrangement of circles and lines, or, like William Blake’s vision at Felpham, as a giant man composed of living atoms, the experience of the encounter is the same for everyone. In every age, philosophers have sought a means to express it. The numbers of cabalistic mathematics ultimately refer to the elements of the hidden world, the motivating principles of the Universe, which in a moment of vision stand out in isolation, each one clearly identified and comprehensible.

So ends this Article of THE LOST STORIES JOURNAL, Volume One. To read more, please click on one of the following links:

Read the Next Article to find out when history was no longer scattered and random, and when we first felt like part of the process too.

Read the Previous Article to see how when we could no longer act or think freely, a new awareness of ourselves developed through film.

Read the First Article of The Journal, Volume One, to learn how by harmonizing a multiplicity of perspectives our results can then be trusted.

Read the First Article of The Journal, Volume Two, to find the most important thing is to avoid overemphasizing one discipline at the expense of the rest.

Selected Biographies

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543 A.D.) Polish Astronomer First to discover that the planets revolved around Sun.

Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630 A.D.) German Astronomer Proved Copernican system by developing empirical laws of planetary motion. Founder of modern optics. Work led to invention of calculus.

Selected Glossary

Arts: the application of skill and taste to production according to aesthetic principles; the conscious use of the creative imagination in the practical definition, or production, of beauty.

Empirical: knowledge which is founded upon observation and practical experience.

History: a narrative devoted to the interdependence of unfolding events, which includes a philosophic explanation for the cause of such events.

Humanities: the branches of education regarded as having primarily a cultural character, usually including languages, literature, history, mathematics, and philosophy.

Providence: the guidance and care which God provides to order matters of human destiny.

Science: the systematized knowledge of any one department of mind or matter; acknowledged truths and laws, especially as demonstrated by induction, experiment, and observation.

Theology: a rational interpretation of religious faith, practice, and experience; the sum of the beliefs held by a person or group regarding matters of ultimate reality.